Guest Posts Welcome

I’m currently accepting guest posts from writers on several topics.

Please read the guidelines carefully. If you’re not sure if what you have fits the requests, you can always contact us*. If you haven’t heard from us in 4 weeks, then your article is not right for us. Thanks!

We (my editorial assistant or I) generally get back to submissions within a week or two.

*Yes, I’m asking you to write for “us” because Us is all of us! My goal is to spark a conversation about these topics and to enhance our lives with positive role models.

NOTE: I do not accept articles from individuals wanting to post articles for SEO/SEO firms.


Adventurous Heroines in Paranormal Romance

I love stories about brave and adventurous heroines in paranormal romance, don’t you?

Especially the ones who travel, have traveled or will travel in the course of your story.

Who you are: Romance author. You write novels or novellas, or both. You write YA, NA, or adult.

Focus: I welcome guest posts on your adventurous heroines in your paranormal romance. Please make sure you answer these questions in your article:

  1. What makes your heroine adventurous?
  2. What is her favorite location?
  3. What inspires you to write about adventurous heroines?
  4. If you could visit any place in the world, where would that be, and why?

Details: 500-750 words. Include a 35-50 word bio, your buy links, your book cover, and your picture. Optional: 2-3 images that relate to your article (make sure you have the rights to them), and a 500-word excerpt (no explicit sex — thanks!)

Extras: You can do a giveaway/blog tour stop in coordination with your post.

Contact me to query. Thanks!

*I reserve the right to edit for grammar and clarity.
*I market all posts via Facebook, Twitter, and my blog subscribers, and encourage you to do the same. Thanks!

*All rights of the articles belong to the respective authors.


Kick Ass Heroines in Science Fiction & Fantasy posts

Inspired by the kinds of stories I want to read and the kind of stories I write, and encouraged by Geena Davis’ mission to change “female portrayals and gender stereotypes in children’s media and entertainment,” I’m requesting articles that feature Kick Ass heroines in science fiction and fantasy for adults and teens.

Check out previous posts on this blog to see what other guest bloggers have written.

Check out my articles on Kick Ass heroines here.

Who you are: You write science fiction and fantasy for adults or teens and feature a kick ass heroine* as your main character in your novels or short stories (not just as secondary characters, and not the villain). Your stories are available for sale. Both independent or traditionally published authors welcome.

*I’m specifically looking for kick ass heroines, who use their physical abilities, in addition to their smarts, to help them navigate the story.

Focus: A nonfiction post about Kick Ass Heroines in your work of fantasy/science fiction and the work of others. What are some characteristics of kick ass heroines? What are the challenges of a kick ass heroine? What is it like to write one?

Details: 500-750 words. Include a 35-50 word bio, your buy links, your book cover, and your picture.

Extras: You can do a giveaway/blog tour stop in coordination with your post.

Contact me to queryThanks!

*I reserve the right to edit for grammar and clarity.
*I market all posts via Facebook, Twitter, and my blog subscribers, and encourage you to do the same. Thanks!
*All rights of the articles belong to the respective authors.


Real Kick Ass Heroines: Athletes & Leaders & Adventurers

Who you are: Writer of fiction or nonfiction. Teens ages 12 and up, and adults.

Focus: The life or activity of a female athlete, woman leader, or adventurous woman in their work or pleasure.

What are the important characteristics of her work and activity? What are some of the challenges she has faced or currently faces?

Details: 500-750 words. Include a 35-50 word bio, your buy links (if any), the real heroine’s picture, and your picture.

Contact me to queryThanks!

*I reserve the right to edit for grammar and clarity.
*I market all the posts via Facebook, Twitter, and my blog subscribers, and encourage you to do the same. Thanks!
*All rights of the articles belong to the respective authors.

SPECIAL OFFER for Teachers

I’m on a mission to make sure all classrooms and school libraries have a copy of Henrietta the Dragon Slayer series. So if 5 of your students want to write on one of the themes on my author blog, I offer the books at 20% off retail for either your classroom or your school’s library, whichever makes the most sense. Contact me with any questions you have about this special offer.

Query First

Please email your query to Beth Barany or use the contact form.


  • Robin Moore says:

    Interesting proposal “Henrietta” and Beth! Thanks for the offer. Will put on my thinking cap to find bloggers to pass this on to.

  • bethbarany says:

    Hi Robin, Thanks! I look forward to your referrals!

  • […] Fantasy Author Empowering Women & Girls to be Heroes in Their Own Lives Skip to content HomeWrite for UsAbout BethMy BooksThe Five Kingdom SeriesRead an Excerpt HereAn Amazon Kindle ExcerptReviewsAbout […]

  • Ronne says:

    I love stories about brave and adventurous romance heroines.Especially the ones who travel, have travelled, or will travel in the course of your story.

  • Hello Beth,

    My name is Alan Field and we’ll be sharing the stage with S. Evan Townsend next Friday evening. If there is any issue at all you would like to raise before then, let me know.

    Alan J. Field
    Author of “The Chemist”

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