Congratulations to the Goodreads Giveaway Winners, Shout outs and other news!

Thanks to the 933 Goodreads members who entered the Giveaway for Henrietta The Dragon Slayer. Sorry, the giveaway is now closed. I will be doing another Giveaway for Book 2, coming out this summer, called Henrietta and The Dragon Stone. More on that later!

Congratulations to M. Cha and K. Pulli for winning copies of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer. I’ll be mailing your books this week!

In other news…

** I’m currently accepting weekly guest posts from writers on several topics: nonfiction posts on Kick Ass Heroines in Science Fiction & Fantasy, and on Real Kick Ass Heroines: Athletes & Leaders. For all the details check out my writer’s guidelines here:

** Sweet! My awesome husband, Ezra Barany, added my Grand Prize seal to my cover. He also added the name of the series, The Five Kingdoms. I love it! I’m uploading the cover and a revised edition of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer to my printer soon. The revised edition will show up in all the retailers in a few weeks.

** Those of you who know me from my other role as a writing coach, know I love twitter for authors! as i’ve seen as both a professional and a novelist, Twitter is such a great way to connect with people who share your interests and passions. (Yep, I have a nonfiction book, Twitter for Authors, coming out by the end of the summer!)

On that note, lately I’ve had fun following people who use the hashtags #girlpower and #fairytales.

Shouts outs to @girlpower3, @GirlPowerPR, @WriteGirlLA, and @UNWomen.

Also shouts outs to some of my YA author friends: @JaneGeorge, @UltimateYA, @4KidLit and so many more (my twitter list for YA book everything!)

** I’ll be organizing a blog tour (with help!) for Henrietta and The Dragon Stone (Book 2 of The Five Kingdoms series). If you’d like to review the book and participate in the tour, just drop me a note by May 1, 2012. Thanks!

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