The Best Piece of Advice I Ever Received: Ask For Help

I can ask for help.When I was young, I was little Miss Independent, always doing this by myself. Of course, I was getting help from my parents and teachers and friends, but it often didn’t occur me to ask for help.

Fast forward to me as adult, 30 years old — I had an office administrative job. A part-time job. I worked hard everyday. One day my office manager noticed I was wincing while filing papers. I admitted I was in a lot of pain. She filed the paperwork on my agreement: I had pretty bad repetitive stress injury.

I stepped away from work. I got lots of good chiropractic care and support.

Ironically, I started dating again too, during this time. I had more time to think about my love life.

It’s hard for me to admit it still, but I needed help for even the simplest things. I couldn’t hold a book or even a piece of paper for a time.

But learning to ask for help has helped me see that I am not alone. That I am part of this human community.

I’ve recovered from that time — 16 years ago — but I still ask for help. That will never go away.

Like everyone, I’m a work in progress. I’m learning to trust life, trust others, and relax into receiving help.

  • I think it’s so important to ask for help at times and yet it’s so easy at times to forget or to be stubborn in not asking for it. When we do though, we usually are blessed as well as allow others the opportunity to share their gifts/talents/strengths with us. So it ends up being a win-win situation! Why deny the universe and others of this right? 😉 <3

  • Lady Lou says:

    Wonder what it is about us ladies ‘asking for help?’ I have had the same affliction. It was a hard lesson for me to get, but, I, too, got it. Congratulations and keep up the good work.

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