Getting Inspired with Daredevil + Firefly

You know you’re entering the world of the story when someone asks you want you’re reading lately and all you can think about is your story.

That’s what I’m going through. When I think back to my week, I can only think about the prequel I just finished for my YA fantasy series (Paulette’s story between books 1 and 3, and the next magical contemporary romance novel I’ll be writing soon (the next in my Touchstone series, tentatively called, Bringers of the Rose).

So, not a lot to talk about this week as I dive deep into story.

When I’m diving deep, I do enjoy lots of other stories. I am getting inspired.

This week I binge watched the rest of Daredevil (Oh wow, Charlie Cox as Daredevil is amazing)


and saw a few back-to-back episodes of Firefly (just love it; a great example of a perfect ensemble piece, IMHO).


Also, last weekend Ezra and I saw Antman (We highly recommend it; great writing, humor, and humanity)



and the new Fantastic Four (hmmm, different, darker, less superhero like).


I love inhaling all these stories. Soon I will close the door more and more often to the world as I take my next steps in edits and in crafting a new novel.
