I am deeply grateful to Dr. Bailey Lang for the opportunity to share my creative journey on The Writing Desk. Our conversation was engaging and thoughtful, allowing me to discuss my various creative endeavors – from my science fiction mystery series Into the Black to my latest venture into filmmaking with “Henrietta the Dragon Slayer.”

As someone who wears multiple creative hats – novelist, creativity coach, teacher, and now filmmaker – it was refreshing to explore how these different aspects of my work interconnect and feed into each other.
I appreciate being able to share insights about my writing process, my approach to managing multiple projects, and my commitment to sustainable creative practices.
The interview gave me a chance to discuss not just what I do, but why I do it – my passion for storytelling, my dedication to helping other writers, and my belief in the power of creative expression.
Thank you, Dr. Lang, for creating a space where we could delve into both the practical and philosophical aspects of the creative life.
Your thoughtful questions helped illuminate the journey that has brought me to where I am today, and I look forward to continuing to explore new storytelling frontiers in both literature and film.
Read the entire interview here: https://usethewritingdesk.kit.com/posts/meet-the-author-beth-barany
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