Fantasy Novels about “The Five Kingdoms”

Fantasy novels that mention The Five Kingdoms!

Mine is #2!

When I came up with my world for Henrietta The Dragon Slayer, I had no idea there were so many Five Kingdoms settings. There is something so attractive about there being five. In my story’s geography, there are actually nine important regions of the world, but Henrietta only know of the Five Kingdoms. I know from numerology that Five signifies Travel… I love to travel!


  1. Wizard Rising (A Five Kingdoms Novel): Toby Neighbors: Amazon…/B006MONL36

    In the Realm of the Five Kingdoms, magic is strictly controlled by a small group of ….4.0 out of 5 stars Good start to a Fantasy quest series February 4, 2012 

  2. Henrietta The Dragon Slayer (The Five Kingdoms #1): Beth Barany › … › Science Fiction & Fantasy › Fantasy

    Henrietta The Dragon Slayer (The Five Kingdoms #1): Beth Barany:  Henrietta The Dragon Slayer is a young adult fantasy novel, about 260 pages, suitable for 

  3. Music of Zombies (Tales from the Five Kingdoms › … › Fantasy & Magic

    The fifth book in Vivian French’s comic fantasy series “Tales from the Five Kingdoms“. In this hilarious new story, Gracie and Marcus, our much loved hero and 

  4. The Five Kingdoms Chapter 1 Nimoi, a fantasy fiction | FictionPress › Fiction › Fantasy

    The Five Kingdoms-((Nimoi)). The forest was very quiet, as it always was at this time of night. Nimoi crouched lower in the bushes, silently setting her weapon 

  5. Jason And The Five Kingdoms – Spirituality/Fantasy

    Jason And The Five Kingdoms. Chapter One – The Place of Loss. Jason sat on a stump at the edge of the forest, overlooking a wide meadow. He came here 

  6. Evil Is A Relative Term | FanFiction

    Author has written 13 stories for Naruto, Harry Potter, Final Fantasy VII, and …. but I don’t know if it’ll evolve into the plot monster the Five Kingdoms became.

  7. Fantasy – One of the five kingdoms (EARTH) – Wattpad

    Aug 5, 2011 – Okay there are five other storyes that will come with this one but they will not be written until one is done. *******************************HERE 

  8. Images for “the five kingdoms” fantasy

    – Report images

  9. “Tales from the Five Kingdoms” series – Vivian French…/tales_from_the_five_kingdoms_b…

     evil she makes their toes ache… Another fun-filled fantasty in the Tales from the Five Kingdoms stories that started with The Robe of Skulls. The Robe of Skulls 

  10. The Flight of Dragons: The Fourth Tale from the Five Kingdoms…/22070-

    Books for Boys · Books for Girls · Reading Levels · default. Home Fantasy The Flight of Dragons: The Fourth Tale from the Five Kingdoms (Tales from the Five 

  11. The Five Kingdoms | book coasters

    May 28, 2010 – For a great little fantasy adventure – quick, enjoyable reads; classic and engaging characters – I’d recommend a visit to The Five Kingdoms.

  • David Pekrul says:

    Hello Beth,
    I just wanted to send a “thank you” to you for including my short story, “Jason and the Five Kingdoms” in your list of Five Kingdom stories. I am not a short story writer; I stick primarily to poetry, but I wanted to share with you how this story came about. Very simple, this story was a dream I had one night. I dreamed this story in its entirety. In the middle of the night I woke up with this story in my mind and the name of five kingdoms. I got up and wrote the names on a piece of paper, then went back to bed. When I woke up the next morning, I went to read what I had written, believing full well that it would make no sense at all. Most things that we dream seem to be utter nonsense in the light of day. But when I read the names of the five kingdoms, the dream came back in a flash and I knew I had a story, albeit a short one. I spent that day writing down what I had dreamed.
    All the best to you,
    David Ronald Bruce Pekrul

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