Fantasy author A. B. Harms passed me the baton on this blog hop. Thanks!
I love the topic: writing process.
What writer doesn’t like to talk about his or her writing process?
Do you enjoying hearing about how writers do their thing? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks!
Topic: Writing Process
A. What are you working on?
Currently, I’m editing my newest paranormal romance. It takes place in Paris, France in the middle of a horrible rainstorm that is only getting worse as the story progresses. It’s a novella, so short. And I write sweet, meaning I close the door on sex. So there you go! I’m also writing tons of blog posts and marketing material (newsletters and emails) for my day job, that of an author’s coach for novelists.
Topic: Writing Process
A. What are you working on?
Currently, I’m editing my newest paranormal romance. It takes place in Paris, France in the middle of a horrible rainstorm that is only getting worse as the story progresses. It’s a novella, so short. And I write sweet, meaning I close the door on sex. So there you go! I’m also writing tons of blog posts and marketing material (newsletters and emails) for my day job, that of an author’s coach for novelists.
B. How does your work differ from others in this genre?
That’s hard for me to say, but readers have said that that my stories are creative and imaginative. Also, I think my stories walk that edge of paranormal and real in an interesting way. Also, for my fantasy — because I also write young adult fantasy — I’d say what’s different about my Henrietta stories are that my characters are distinct, funny, and appeal to people who don’t normally read fantasy.
C. Why do you write what you do?
This question is like asking why I like chocolate. I just do! I can point to my childhood, steeped in reading fairy tales and folktales, and having them read to me. I could point to my fascination with the study of folklore, archetypes, and the tarot. I could also point to my love of super hero stories and epics. Yes, to all that.
D. How does your writing process work?
I sit down. I write. I write some more. Then some more. Rinse, Repeat. Until the book is done. Then get lots of feedback. Lots of editing and rewriting. Lots more feedback, until deadline. Then I publish.
I’m passing the baton to:
Carol Malone: http://carolmalone.net/
For award winning author, Carol Malone, living with passion means discovering what you’re good at and doing what you love. Happiest when she’s painting word pictures, her passion is cranking out sweet, tender stories both in the contemporary and Noir genres.
Angela Myron: http://www.angelamyron.com/news.html
She writes: “I’m a writer. Before I wrote novels, I wrote manuals and online help and crappy first drafts of novels that will never see the light of day. And before all of this, I wrote morning pages for years.
I hope someday to write stories that transform, touch hearts, open minds, and make things a bit more beautiful somehow. Until then, I write what I write.”
Look for their posts next week.
Loved hearing about your writing process, Beth. Sweet and simple and it works so well!
Thanks, Jasmine! Your support is so wonderful! My writing process is a lot more complicated in my head, but the reality is simple. You know what I mean?! 🙂
I have learned so much from you, Beth. Thanks for always being open to help out a fellow author!
You’re so welcome, Amanda!!!! Anytime!