Lucky 7: 7 Lines of my WIP, Green Man #luckyseven

Limestone Green Man Mascaron, Fourteenth Street NW (Washington, DC) by takomabibelot_creative-commons-license_flickr
Limestone Green Man Mascaron, Fourteenth Street NW (Washington, DC) by takomabibelot_creative-commons-license_flickr

Green Man is just a placeholder title. I know. It’s so not sexy.

I was tagged in a Twitter-based writers’ exercise called Lucky Seven, or, rather, because it’s Twitter, #luckyseven (the hashtag.)

If you want to participate, here are the instructions:

– Go to page 7 or 77 in your current work-in-progress (WIP) manuscript.

– Go to line 7.

– Post on your blog the next 7 lines or sentences – as they are!!

– Tag 7 other people to do the same (apparently people do this on Twitter itself).

I’m 25% done with my sweet paranormal romance novella.

Here are the seven sentences, raw, rough, and unedited.

After a few more hours perfecting and checking with her team on last minute details, Lili stood up and stretched.

Everything in her small apartment looked the same but she didn’t feel the same.

Night had fallen.

She’d pushed aside her grandmother’s words for a few hours, buried herself in work, but now it all came crashing back to her.

She couldn’t do what her grandmother asked.

It was too much.

She stepped into her tiny bedroom, cast off her jeans and tank top and shimmed into her little black dress with 20s flapper fringes high on her thighs.

She slipped on spiky heels, dashed on her favorite red xxx Chanel lipstick, and threw her keys and cash into her black thin travel pouch she’d strap against her body while dancing, Lili was going to get her night on the town.

Bonus: What shade of red Chanel lipstick shall Lili wear? She’s a true red-head.

2 thoughts on “Lucky 7: 7 Lines of my WIP, Green Man #luckyseven”

  1. From a family of redheads … I have Several suggestions for your lipstick shades 🙂

    For Darker colors 🙂
    # 31 Cambon 1st Choice
    #17 Ochidee 2nd Choice
    # 91 Bohéme
    # 92 Secréte

    For everyday Shades 🙂

    # 217 Radieuse
    # 61 Chéri
    # 93 Intime

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