Merry Christmas! Smashwords Sale!

Touchstone Series by Beth Barany, on sale at SmashwordsSmashwords is having a year-end sale and all of my books are there. Enjoy and Merry Christmas!

Smashwords End of Year Sale

Specials last from Dec. 25 through Jan. 1.

Be sure to use this coupon code at check out to get 50% off: SEY50

Check out the Touchstone series here.

Check out the Henrietta The Dragon Slayer series here.

Henrietta The Dragon Slayer series Box Set by Beth Barany, on sale at Smashwords

Want to learn more about these series?

Read an excerpt of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer, Book 1 here… a young adult adventure series featuring a kick ass heroine and her adventures.

Read an excerpt the first book in the Touchstone series, Touchstone of Love here … the start of this paranormal romance series of friends, Christmas elves, and love and magic in the most unexpected places.

If you like suspense and mysteries…

Check out my husband’s book in the Torah Code series in the Smashwords sale too

The Torah Codes series by Ezra Barany, on sale at Smashwords
Want to learn more about The Torah Codes series?
Go here.

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