Interview with YA fantasy author, Beth Barany: The Next Big Thing

The author Christine Ashworth tagged me for this blog meme, with my permission of course.

Everyone knows that The Next Big Thing is just on the horizon, so we writers are putting our work in progress out there for the world to peer at, and possibly champion.

So sit back and enjoy reading about my next project that will be out soon.

What is the working title of your next book?

Henrietta and The Dragon Stone, Book 2 in the Five Kingdom series.

Where did the idea come from for the book?

From the fairytales and fantasy I read as a kid. I always wanted a girl heroine who had to go on quests and face impossible odds, so I finally wrote my own. Henrietta’s story begins in book 1, Henrietta The Dragon Slayer.

What genre does your book fall under?

Young Adult Fantasy

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

I’d love to see Jennifer Lawrence (of Hunger Games movie fame), Mary Elizabeth Winstead, or Teresa Palmer in the role of Henrietta the legendary Dragon Slayer!

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

Only one-sentence! LOL Okay here goes! (Go here for the three-sentence description about Henrietta and The Dragon Stone.)

Henrietta the legendary ass kicking dragon slayer must fight for her life and for those she loves against an unknown and terrifying sorcerer who is after her and her Dragon Stone, for the fate of the Five Kingdoms is in her hands, whether she likes her fate or not.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?


How long does it take to write the first draft of your manuscript?

I generally write chunks of my first draft — 10,000 to 20,000 — quite quickly, in about 1-2 weeks. Then I stall out; then restart with another spurt, months or years later. That’s why I work on multiple projects at a time. LOL

This book has been on the 5 year track. 🙂

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

Epic like Lord of the Rings; for a strong young woman heroine: Hunger Games; a group of friends facing evil with magic, like Harry Potter… to name a few.

Who or What inspired you to write this book?

It may be strange to say, but Henrietta inspired me to write this sequel. 🙂

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

Things my readers of book have liked: a kickass heroine; friends working together; Henrietta’s sarcastic and go-for-it attitude; a world of magic, and a good story!

 Let me know what you think about my upcoming book – and what you’d like to see more of. Thanks!

Here comes the tagging part of the meme. Since I hopped in rather late, I have 7 people so far. (I’ll add more folks as they jump on! Contact me if you’d like to join the The Next Big Thing blog meme.)

 Next week, please check out:

1. Copywriter, Tanja Gardner

2. Author, Kelley A. Harmon — already posted!

3. Author, Faith Van Horne

Scribatious (

4. Author, Sylvia Kelso

5. Author, Artist, Clarence Cromwell

6. Author, Alice Gaines

7. Author, Carol Malone (post already up!)

  • […] was tagged by Beth Barany to take part in “The Next Big Thing,” a web-ring of authors who describe their […]

  • […] and Book Coach Beth Barany tagged me for this blog meme, with her permission, of […]

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