“Powered By Love” February Campaign & Giveaway

Campaign & GiveawayFor this week’s “Powered By Love” February 2015 Giveaway, post your memes (pictures with words) about an act of love and kindness that you observed or participated in or were the recipient of.

ENTER: To enter, post on my page here https://www.facebook.com/bethbarany/photos/p.793453147356919/793453147356919/?type=1&theater or post on your page and tag this one. I’ll see it that way too. smile emoticon

PRIZES: You can win any one of my romance novellas or YA fantasy novels, or even nonfiction books. Your choice!

Yes, I’ll ship internationally for the print books. I have ebooks only for some of my books and some of both in print and digital.

Romance: https://author.bethbarany.com/romance/
YA Fantasy: https://author.bethbarany.com/ya-fantasy/
Nonfiction: http://www.bethbarany.com/products/products.htm

I’ll pick two winners at random by Sunday, Feb. 15, 9pm Pacific/12midnight Eastern here.

Thanks, and much love,
