Fan art of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer, by Peachy

Henrietta The Dragon Slayer: the perfect choice for a family read-aloud!

Henrietta The Dragon Slayer by Beth Barany (Book 1 of the Five Kingdoms series) "...perfect choice for a family read-aloud" (Amelyn, you so much to Amelyn Randall for the 4-star review of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer and for reading my story aloud to her family. How cool!

Growing up, my parents always read aloud to us four kids. And my dad also made up wonderful stories for us.

Guess what?! My first fan art! That’s what!

I am so excited! Amelyn’s daughter, Peachy (not her real name), drew a wonderful rendition of the cover.

Check it out! (I have it up on my cork board next to a Henrietta bookmark.)

Fan art of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer, by Peachy

Thank you so much, Peachy! 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸

How did this happen?

Well, first I surprised Peachy with a signed hard copy of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer. Then Peachy surprised me with this awesome hand drawn cover!

Peachy wrote me a note too, before her mom had started reading the book aloud. It said,

“Thank yooouuu! Thank you thank you thank you!

Like, wow! I’m so so so gratefulI

I loved the cover so much that I redrew it (with a new twist) in my style!

I’m ecstatic to learn about Henrietta and her story.

I hope you like my interpretation.

your 12-year-old soon to be fan.
Peachy ❤️🐱 (she drew me a cat or maybe it’s a fox or wolf)

I was so happy to receive Peachy’s fan art and hand written letter!

Then just a few days ago, her mom posted this review for the book on her blog and on Amazon:

“… this book was an excellent example of girl power!

My daughter and I truly enjoyed this fantasy tale about Henrietta The Dragon Slayer, a brave, strong young woman who fought among and against bravest and best knights.

I felt like I was skipping along on Henri’s journey, felt the magic permeate the air in our family room, and I wanted to touch my side every time Henri touched the hilt of her sword.

I look forward to going on the next journey with Henrietta, as she learns more about The Dragon Stone. I’m so curious! …

Thank you, Beth Barany, for this fantastical reading opportunity.”

Thank you so much Amelyn and Peachy! The second book is on it’s way! Love and hugs!!!


Henrietta The Dragon Slayer (Book 1) and Henrietta and the Dragon Stone (Book 2)If you’d like a review copy of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer or any of my books, please drop me a note and tell me why. Thanks!



Henrietta-The-Dragon-Slayer-A-Very-Short-Prequel-by-Beth-BaranyTeens, if you’re curious about Henrietta The Dragon Slayer, start here for the prequel — for free!

Adults, not sure this book is right for your teen or tween? Then check out the prequel for free here.

