Lovely review of the Henrietta The Dragon Slayer series

Lovely review of the Henrietta The Dragon Slayer series. Thanks Stephanie! #YAFantasySeries


“I’ve spotlighted this series before, and now that I’ve read the whole thing, I can’t wait to share my thoughts! I really enjoyed Henrietta’s character, and I also loved the story-line in this one!

Both humorous and exciting, I loved the direction Beth Barany (the author) took for this series! While I’m not a fan of ‘dragon-slayers’ most of the time, lately their’s been an interesting take on the trope, and I’m loving all these new stories! While this is is before some of the others I just read, it fits the theme, and I can easily recommend it with others like this.

Focusing more on quests, and her dealings with humans, we don’t see ‘dragon slaying’ so much, and yet with that title we get to know a bit about the culture and characters involved. That’s another thing, the characters in this series are each well written, interesting, and individual in their natures. I was so happy to find so many I liked soon after meeting them!

I normally only have a few that I really like or connect with, but this series is written in a way that makes it easy to enjoy reading each of the character’s stories without skimming anything (which I know is tempting in some series).”

About Beth Barany

Henrietta The Dragon Slayer trilogy by Beth Barany. This series is available for review for series reviewers only. Contact Beth to request your review copy of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer, Book 1.

Beth Barany writes magical tales of romance, mystery, and adventure that empower women and girls to be the heroes of their own lives.

She is the award-winning author of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer and the acclaimed paranormal romance author of the Touchstone series. She’s currently at work on a science fiction mystery series.

  • Stephanie says:

    Beautiful post!

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