I Love Fairytales

Funny thing is I don’t have a favorite fairy tale.

I shared a few of my favorite ones — all the Jack stories — here during my Summer Blog Tour with Teen Book Scene that’s wrapping up at the end of August.

What is your favorite fairytale?

Comment here on on this blog post to enter to win a copy of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer. If you comment, you also enter to the Grand Giveaway for the necklace featured on the cover of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer. Winners chosen at the end of August.

Special! If you’re a Goodreads user, enter a special Goodreads giveaway for another chance to win a free print copy of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer! Since this is a separate contest, you can enter both the Goodreads giveaway and mine and win two copies!

To enter my giveaway, all you need to do is to comment on this post. Click here for the official rules!

3 thoughts on “I Love Fairytales”

  1. Isis, The Red Shows is an intense story. Many childrens stories scared us as kids.

    Alica, I agree that The Little Match Girl is so sad.

    Thank you both for stopping by!

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