Henrietta and the Battle of the Horse Mesa (Book 3) Cover Reveal + Pre-Order Announcement

I’m so excited to announce the third and final book in my Henrietta and the Dragon Slayer series, Henrietta and the Battle of the Horse Mesa.

Thank you to Kristin of theunapologeticnerd.com blog for hosting my exclusive Q&A and sharing the first announcement and cover reveal.

Henrietta and the Battle of the Horse Mesa (Book 3) by Beth Barany

Release Date: June 17th, 2016
Publisher: Firewolf Books
No. of pages: 405
Recommended Age: 12+
Genres/Themes: YA, adventure, fantasy

In this sweeping conclusion to the Henrietta The Dragon Slayer trilogy, we are reunited with our four friends to face their biggest challenge yet.

Sworn to protect all, Henrietta the legendary Dragon Slayer of Bleuve must lead her people into the biggest battle of her life against a sorcerer bent on destroying her and overtaking all five kingdoms… but first she must rescue her more-than-friend, Franc, from the men who stole him right under her nose.

Paulette, the fire witch, desires only to master her magic, so that she can come to the aid of her friends at battle. Yet, she must first stand trial for a murder she had to commit out of desperation. Unable to stand the confinement, and the stinging betrayal of her friend, Jaxter – now a king – she escapes prison and flees to the frigid, forbidden land of Varangia to find the Volcano Witch. There she must let go of everything if she wants to master her power.

Jaxter is no longer a jester and must come to terms with his new responsibilities as king of the Oro Islands, his old home. In order to run a complicated kingdom recovering from being under an evil king for over 75 years, Jaxter must abandon his carefree life. And he must make things right, including putting his dear friend, Paulette, on trial for murder.

Will Henrietta with the help of her friends be able to stop the ruthless sorcerer from obliterating her, claiming the Dragon Stone, and ruling over the Five Kingdoms?


Henrietta and the Battle of the Horse Mesa is now available for pre-order EXCLUSIVELY at iBooks! Order now to have it sent directly to your eReader on its release date: June 17th, 2016 (My Birthday!)

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Henrietta The Dragon Slayer series

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