If you’re a Netgalley member and a book blogger, reviewer, or school, grab your review copy of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer (Read an excerpt here)(Book 1 of the trilogy) on NetGalley until May 31st.
She’s a legend at 17, but only Henrietta knows the price she paid for her fame … and it was much too high.
From the Winner of the California Fiction Writer’s Book Contest comes this thrilling adventure of a young warrior on one final quest … against an opponent she swore never to face again.
Henrietta, the legendary Dragon Slayer of Bleuve, can’t face the thought of another kill. She’s lost family, friends and home on her rocky road to fame. But when the young warrior is summoned by a King to retrieve the Dragon Stone from the last dragon in existence, she can’t refuse–her mentor lies dying, and the healing stone is all that can save him. This quest will be her most harrowing of all, for it means facing mysterious assassins, the dreaded choppy sea, and all with a misfit band–a young witch, a jester and a surly knight. And at journey’s end, someone must die … the dragon, or Henrietta.
Perfect for fans of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, Collins’ The Hunger Games, McKinley’s Hero & the Crown, and Paolini’s Eragon. Get your copy of Henrietta the Dragon Slayer today!
Book 2 is available. Book 3 is coming June 2016.
Where to Buy the Book
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Amazon.com in France
Barnes & Noble print & Nook
Indie Bound
The Book Depository.com
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