When you start out on an adventure, you don’t always know where you’ll be going, nor what will be asked of you.
Henrietta The Dragon Slayer thought she knew… but like so many of us, she didn’t. And yet, she persisted… because of her friends, because she cared about her home, because of love.

Finally, the sweeping conclusion to the Henrietta The Dragon Slayer trilogy! Parted by destiny, the four friends struggle to rejoin forces and face for a final time, the ruthless sorcerer intent on destroying them all.
In the biggest challenge of her life, Henrietta the legendary Dragon Slayer of Bleuve must lead her people into a battle that may end life as they know it. For they face no ordinary army, but the dark forces of a powerful sorcerer bent on overtaking all five kingdoms. And unless she can rescue her dauntless knight Franc, she must do it without his support.
Franc will follow Henrietta anywhere. But on a mission to find allies among the Horse People, he is kidnapped and taken by minions of the evil sorcerer Eyvindir. Will he find the strength and courage to survive, and fight again at Henrietta’s side?
Paulette, the young fire witch, must stand trial for a murder committed out of desperation. In despair at her imprisonment by forces acting against her dearest friend, Jaxter, she escapes and flees to the frigid, forbidden land of Varangia to find a witch powerful enough to help her finally master fire. But what must she give up to gain the power to aid her friends?
Jaxter, now a king, must come to terms with the heavy responsibilities of ruling the Oro Islands, newly emerged from over 75 years of evil rule. This means doing right, even when it means going against ancient customs and protocols. Worse, the marauding Varangians press at his borders. He must find a way to defend his home, or none of them will survive.
Will Henrietta and her friends be able to stop the ruthless sorcerer from obliterating her, claiming the Dragon Stone, and ruling over the Five Kingdoms?
Perfect for fans of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, Collins’ The Hunger Games, McKinley’s Hero & the Crown, and Paolini’s Eragon
In case you’re wondering, here’s the order of the series:
Book 1, Henrietta The Dragon Slayer
Book 2, Henrietta and the Dragon Stone
Book 3, Henrietta and the Battle of the Horse Mesa
Read Chapter One here.
What Readers Are Saying
Get lost on the Horse Mesa! 5 stars!
“…A rollicking good read for anyone into deep fantasy. 5 stars” — Andrea Stoeckel (Goodreads)
Compelling & rewarding! 5 stars!
“Battle of the Horse Mesa” was a satisfying conclusion to an enjoyable trilogy. I love the way Beth creates for us, the readers, an intimate rapport with the characters, especially the heroine. The tension and suspense in this book builds in a very surprising and compelling way. I couldn’t wait to read the next page and really hated putting the book down. It’s a great read, I highly recommend it!” — PJ Ferguson (Amazon)
Henrietta’s character is brilliant, fierce
This is the epic conclusion of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer trilogy! … Henrietta’s character is brilliant, fierce, & saucy. With a sheer cast of supporting characters Franc, the heroic, chauvinistic knight, Jaxster, the storytelling jester, & Paulette, quiet & mischievous fire witch that accentuate the story. A perfect summertime read that is intriguing & jam packed with suspense. –Sophie Koufes
A Wonderful End To An Amazing Trilogy!
I loved this book and am a fan of the whole series. … an engrossing magical world and populated it with interesting creatures and characters that you can really care about. One of the best things about this series is that it’s lead character is a smart, strong and brave female. –Aunt G.
Loved It!
I really enjoyed this book. The author does an excellent job of creating a world that the reader can be pulled into and become a part of. Could not put this book down. Would highly recommend to others. (Already have, in fact!) –DragonMom
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About Novelist Beth Barany

Beth Barany writes magical tales of romance, mystery, and adventure that empower women and girls to be the heroes of their own lives. Beth is the award-winning author of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer and the acclaimed paranormal romance Touchstone series.
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