Lovely reviews from Shabnam for Henrietta The Dragon + Henrietta and the Dragon Stone

Two lovely reviews from book reviewer Shabnam (Instagram + site) for Henrietta The Dragon Slayer + Henrietta and the Dragon Stone.

Here’s some highlights!

About Henrietta The Dragon Slayer (Book 1 of the series by the same name):

“This book kept me glued till the end and keep my heart beating fast. I totally am in love with the pairing of Franc and Henrietta cause why should I? It’s so exciting! Thanks to the author for introducing me to such a luscious, exciting, adventurous read. Can’t wait to dig into the next book.

For those who love kick ass female lead characters with great adventure and fights as also some romance to brighten up the mood, I totally recommend it.”


“When we come across story books based on bravery, it is always a gallant, invincible, handsome man who is the leading character and the representative of strength and bravery. To come across ass kicking dragon slayer is very rare that also a woman!”

Lovely image of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer and Henrietta and the Dragon Stone (Book 1 and 2 in the Henrietta The Dragon Slayer series. (Image by Used by permission.)

About Henrietta and Dragon Stone (Book 2 of the Henrietta The Dragon Slayer series):

“In the book, one can see the constant fear Henrietta has to go through for the life of her loved ones. However, Henrietta is not a woman to back down and give up.”


Award-winning novel, Book 1 of the Henrietta The Dragon Slayer series

Learn more about Henrietta The Dragon Slayer, Book 1, here:

Book 2 of the Henrietta The Dragon Slayer series

Learn more about Henrietta and the Dragon Stone, Book 2, here:

Book 3 in the Henrietta The Dragon Slayer series

And now you can learn more about book 3 in this series: Henrietta and the Battle of the Horse Mesa here. (Shabnam will be getting her copy soon, thanks to my Patrons on Patreon. You can learn more about that here.)

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  • Thank you so so much. It’s my absolute pleasure to do justice to these amazing books and am looking forward to Book 3. *Jumps in joy

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