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I’ve teamed up with a Danish publisher and distributor who is sending my books to subscription-based e-book services around the world.

An international service, Bookmate is one of those subscription services. Like Kindle Unlimited, once you sign up using this promo, you have access to almost one million books.

Read my books free for a month for the next month with BookMate! Use this promo code: BETHBARANY

PS. Thanks to everyone who voted and helped me pick a romance to send to my Danish publisher to consider for translation. I decided to send them A CHRISTMAS FLING, since Christmas stories are quite popular in Denmark. Then the publisher asked for PARISIAN AMOUR. LOL I look forward to knowing which one she picks.

A Christmas Fling: A Magical Tale of Romance and Adventure by award-winning author Beth Barany
A Christmas Fling: A Magical Tale of Romance and Adventure by award-winning author Beth Barany (Touchstone #2)
Parisian Amour (A Fairy Tale romance novella) (Touchstone Series #3) by Beth Barany
Parisian Amour (A Fairy Tale Romance novella) by Beth Barany (Touchstone Series #3)

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Read the first book in the Touchstone series here.
