What inspired you to write Henrietta The Dragon Slayer? + Giveaway!

I’m currently running a blog tour about Henrietta The Dragon Slayer series and have been asked all sorts of questions.

BTW, enter the giveaway here before the tour ends on 4/11/2019.

Here’s one I get asked a lot:

What inspired you to write this book?

I was inspired to write the Henrietta the Dragon Slayer series because all the fairy tales I read as a kid were always about boys as heroes: Jack the Giant Killer this, Jack and the Seven-Headed Giant that, and of course, Jack and the Beanstalk.

I wanted to know: where was the girl hero?

She wasn’t in any of the tales I read, so I created my own.

I wrote Henrietta the Dragon Slayer because I wanted, and still want, to have my girl heroine fight the good fight and have adventures and save the day, having to make the hard decisions.

Special Giveaway: What questions do you have for me?

Post them in the comments and I’ll pick a winner at random next week, Saturday, April 13, 12pm Pacific.

Prize is: an e-book copy of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer.

You can read an excerpt here.

About Beth Barany

Beth Barany writes magical tales of romance, mystery, and adventure that empower women and girls to be the heroes of their own lives.

Beth is the award-winning author of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer and the acclaimed paranormal romance Touchstone series.

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