A few weeks back a writing friend of mine told me about this new deck for story tellers she heard mentioned on a writers podcast: Mythulu. And I am so excited to tell you why I’ve fallen in love with this creativity and inspiration tool.
(Thanks Vanessa Kier, novelist and Scrivener and writing tech teacher, and that writing friend of mine!)
I checked it out and was so impressed I bought it as soon as I could.
For the last few weeks, I’ve been playing with the cards, doing draws, as they’re called.
I started with the sample draw: make a monster, and have stayed with that intent ever since.
Why? Because I’m working on a series of stories as TV episodes for the continuing adventures of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer and her friends, working title (just for me): “Henrietta and the Monsters.”
These stories would pick up where the third book in my trilogy left off. I’ve already written one episode and drafted a story bible and was planning to write at least one more episode this year.
As a passion/side project, I’m taking my time, but once I started playing with the Mythulu cards and creating monsters, I got so excited. Designing these creatures is helping me design the world and how things came to be.
You can peek into how I’m using the deck and what it’s inspiring in these images from Instagram below. (These also get cross posted to Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/bethbarany.)
I share on Facebook too…
About Beth Barany
Beth Barany writes magical tales of romance, mystery, and adventure that empower women and girls to be the heroes of their own lives.
She is the award-winning author of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer and the acclaimed paranormal romance author of the Touchstone series. She’s currently at work on a science fiction mystery series.