Henrietta The Dragon Slayer series

2024: The Henrietta short film fundraising is happening now! We’re posting updates here.

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Read from the story that inspired the film:

Henrietta The Dragon Slayer 1st Chapter for You

The Henrietta The Dragon Slayer Trilogy by Beth Barany. Click on the image for more information about the series.
The Henrietta The Dragon Slayer Trilogy by Beth Barany. Click on the image for more information about the series.
  1. Henrietta The Dragon Slayer (Book 1) => Read an excerpt here.
  2. Henrietta and The Dragon Stone (Book 2) => Read an excerpt here.
  3. Henrietta and the Battle of the Horse Mesa (Book 3) => Read an excerpt here.

Buy the series!

Get all three books in one!

Books 1-3 of Henrietta The Dragon Slayer series is now available in e-book edition.

All vendors: Amazon/Nook/Apple/Kobo

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Direct from the author


For more information about this box set, go here.

TASTER – See if this series is right for you.

Start here:

Henrietta The Dragon Slayer 1st Chapter for You

About Henrietta the Dragon Slayer and her companions struggle to grow into their destinies … bigger than they can know.

Award-winning novelist, Beth Barany writes YA fantasy to empower young girls to be the hero of their own lives.


I’m inspired by fairy tales and folk tales. When I was a kid though I never saw any adventure stories about strong girls and young women. So that’s what I write about. I write what I wish I could have read when I was young.

Beth Barany also writes fantasy romance. More about that here.

16 thoughts on “Henrietta The Dragon Slayer series”

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