For A Good Cause

A Cupcake Christmas First Kiss & Giveaway, Plus Help A Community in Need

I’m excited to share the First Kiss in A Cupcake Christmas and a giveaway over at Sherry Ewing, Historical & Time Travel Romance Author’s website. Check it out and enter the giveaway of an ebook copy of A Cupcake Christmas. Giveaway ends Monday, Nov.19. *** As you may have heard, we’re experiencing a horrible fire […]

A Cupcake Christmas First Kiss & Giveaway, Plus Help A Community in Need Read More »

Support for ALS: Blue skies and smooth sailing to cure ALS

The skies are Blue, Our books are too. We’re fighting ALS with some help from YOU! Twelve enthusiastic sci-fi romance and paranormal romance authors. Fifteen fantastic blue covered books. One month to help support an outstanding organization. From May 1-31, 2018 these authors will donate a minimum of 25% of their sales of these books

Support for ALS: Blue skies and smooth sailing to cure ALS Read More »

The Future is Pink during Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Some of my colleagues have come together to fight against breast cancer. Please support them and their mission. I’m supporting their mission by spreading the word because my family has been affected by cancer, too. And I want all those affected by breast cancer to be inspired toward hope through early detection, education, and support

The Future is Pink during Breast Cancer Awareness Month Read More »

Authors, Donate Your Books for Girls to the City of Oakland’s Community Toy Drive 2016

Every year I pick a charity to donate to, usually under the umbrella of my coaching business. This year, I’m supporting a local charity, the City of Oakland’s Community Toy Drive 2016, under the umbrella of my author self. 🙂 Specifically, I’m donating all three books (in print and signed) in my young adult adventure fantasy

Authors, Donate Your Books for Girls to the City of Oakland’s Community Toy Drive 2016 Read More »

Reading Teacher is Looking For Donations of Books for Teens

Hello my friends! Welcome to weekly news from the Desk of Beth Barany, award-winning YA fantasy and paranormal author. I write for teens because I’m passionate about empowering young adults at this important transition time. How appropriate it was then that today that I received a personal note from Angie Hoard requesting books for the at risk

Reading Teacher is Looking For Donations of Books for Teens Read More »